Are you Broken? …Rejected? …Disappointed? …Sick? Do you just want to get In-touch with God? Rekindle your faith? Come and Seek God’s face in our services.
Upcoming 2025 Retreats
Residential Retreats are boarding retreats. They are exclusive in-depth retreats for people to get in touch with God. They are five-day (Sunday-Thursday) retreats of prayer comprising special preaching of the Word of God in alignment with the theme of the retreat, thorough examination of conscious leading to confession, Intense Inner healing Eucharistic adoration and outpouring of the holy spirit. Retreats are a life-changing experience.
Upcoming 2025 Night Vigils
Friday Service
(Every Friday) 08:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday service is a day of prayer which entails Holy Mass, Confession, Preaching the Word of God and Healing Adoration. It is conducted every Friday of the year from 08:30 am-04:30 pm.
Residential Retreats
(As per the Calendar)
Residential Retreats are boarding retreats. They are exclusive in-depth retreats for people to get in touch with God. They are five-day (Sunday-Thursday) retreats of prayer comprising special preaching of the Word of God in alignment with the theme of the retreat, thorough examination of conscious leading to confession, Intense Inner healing Eucharistic adoration and outpouring of the holy spirit. Retreats are a life-changing experience.
Bible Convention
Bible conventions are non-boarding retreat, from Monday to Friday as per the calendar which comprises of Preaching the Word of God, Holy Mass, Confession and Healing Adoration. No registration required nor fee. For a walk in and out, Bible Convention is flexible for all.
Night Vigils
(Monthly, as per the Calendar)
Night Vigil is a night of prayer as per the calendar from 08.00 pm-05.00 am which comprises special prayer, preaching the Word of God, Eucharistic Adoration and the Holy Mass. It is a convenient service especially for all who are unable to attend daytime services. Come and stay awake with Jesus.
Spiritual Counselling
(Monday-Thursday) 09.00 am-04.30 pm
Counseling is a personal sharing session. it is a forum for one to unburden and get spiritual guidance. It is a free service open to all
(Fridays)10.00 am – 01.00 pm.
Confession is a service and a sacrament for Catholics. It is a channel of receiving God’s mercy and forgiveness by confessing our sins. Confession is available everyday especially Fridays 10.00 am – 01.00 pm.
Silent Adoration
(Daily) 09.00 am-4.30pm
Silent adoration is a personal time before the holy eucharist.
Bible Nursery
(Fridays, on School holidays) 10.00 am-01.30 pm
It’s a service to give Jesus to the children, the children (4-11 years old) are taught the Word of God, bible stories, life of the saints and Christian virtues. It is conducted mainly during school holidays.
About VRC Thika
Vincentian Retreat Centre, Thika
Vincentian Retreat Centre, Thika, Kenya is a part of the renewal movement for world evangelization based on the spiritual traditions bequeathed by St. Vincent De Paul. It is a Christian place of worship where the children of God experience the outpouring of God’s love, mercy and goodness.
The sick and the suffering, broken-hearted and depressed, the poor and the needy who come to this God-chosen place continue to witness the divine intervention in their lives through wondrous miracles in the form of conversion of personal lives, renewal of families, healing from sicknesses, deliverance from addictions and evils and a total transformation of the society by leading lives of Gospel values.

Spiritual Nourishment
For Whom Will You Open The Door? – Fr. Martin Chittadiyil V.C.
You Are Mine! – Fr. Martin Chittadiyil V.C.
Here’s Your Mother – Fr.Martin Chittadiyil V.C.

St. Vincent De Paul
Let us allow God to act; He brings things to completion when we least expect it.

Exodus 20:24
In every place where I cause my name to be remembered, I will come to you and bless.

John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.